Chad Woodard
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
- Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
I'm a program manager and engineer in the aerospace and defense industry, but I enjoy doing freelance work on interesting projects. While I have no plans to leave my day job, freelance and hobbies keep my skills fresh and allow me to help others. I'm currently pursuing degrees in computer science, data engineering, and industrial and systems engineering to develop my own business analytics tools.
If you have a unique problem, I'd love to brainstorm solutions with you!
Familiar with HTML, PHP, CSS, Python, Javascript, Assembly, VBA, C++, and MATLAB
I work with Tableau, Power BI, MS Access & Excel
Links to projects coming soon. Interests in drones, 3D printing, and robotics
I casually play guitar, cello, and a few other instruments (poorly)